Friday, September 21, 2007

Fate and the Baptism of Fire

I've always heard of people when talking about a difficult predicament that they can't solve saying "leave it to fate". Its a pretty cruel thing if you really look at it under the microscope. There is only two outcome at the end of the road. The agony is not the outcome but the road leading to it. Of course we try to make things so as to make a positive outcome of what we want but ultimately when things are no longer under our control, fate comes into play. One can only do so much to make what you wish come true. At the end, you pray hard that the outcome is a favourable one.

My believe will not waiver and my determination strong. I shall test this baptism of fire with my heads up high as I am sure there is a meaning for all this. Everything happens for a reason, and so is this..............

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